Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
b.Living in overcrowded conditions; absence
of running water and adequate sanitation:

c. Use of drugs or alcohol to escape reality of

2.Explain how the following cultural factors
may affect the interaction of a nurse with a
patient in this situation: A nurse attempts to
perform a nursing history on an Appalachian
woman admitted to the hospital with chest
a.Patient refuses to answer questions and
refers to her “granny” woman as a source of

b.Patient’s extended family is present during
the interview and answers each question
before the patient has a chance to speak.

c. Patient states that she has always taken a
special herb prepared by her folk healer to
alleviate her chest pains. She tells you she
does not trust modern medications.

3.Using the Transcultural Assessment: Health-
Related Beliefs and Practiceslocated in your
textbook, assess the health-related beliefs of a
patient of a different culture. How do this
patient’s beliefs differ from yours? What nurs-
ing actions could you take to help this patient
express and practice his or her beliefs?
Patient, culture, and medical condition:

Health-related beliefs:

How my beliefs differ:

Nursing actions for patient:

4.Explain why the following groups of people
are at high risk for living in poverty.
a.Families headed by single women:

b.Older adults:

c. Future generations of those now in poverty:


1.How would you respond to the individual
nursing needs of the following patients?
a.A Jewish man refuses to let a female nurse
perform a nursing history and asks for a
male doctor to examine him instead.
b.An African American girl, age 13, delivers
her first baby. She tells you she had an
abortion earlier but is ready for this new
c.An Asian American who speaks halting
English brings his grandfather (who speaks
no English) to the emergency room. The
grandfather presents with the warning
signs of a myocardial infarction.
2.Interview fellow classmates and friends repre-
senting different cultures to determine how
they respond to an illness in the family. Ask
them what type of home remedies they use
for the common cold. Identify any risk factors
they may have for serious illness, including
culturally related diseases.


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