Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
6.Which of the following drains provide sinus
tract and would be used after incision and
drainage of an abscess, in abdominal surgery?
7.A patient’s pressure ulcer is superficial and
presents clinically as an abrasion, blister, or
shallow crater. It would be categorized as
which of the following stages?
a.Stage I
b.Stage II
c.Stage III
d.Stage IV
8.Which of the following is an effect of apply-
ing heat to a body part?
a.Constriction of peripheral blood vessels
b.Reduced blood flow to tissues
c.Increased venous congestion
d.Increased supply of oxygen and nutrients
to the area
9.Which of the following patients would be at
greatest risk for developing a pressure ulcer?
a.A newborn
b.A patient with cardiovascular disease
c.An older patient with arthritis
d.A critical care patient
10.Which of the following patients would most
likely develop a pressure ulcer from shearing
a.A patient sitting in a chair who slides down
b.A patient who lifts himself up on his
c.A patient who lies on wrinkled sheets
d.A patient who must remain on his back for
long periods of time
11.A large wound with considerable tissue loss
allowed to heal naturally by formation of
granulation tissue would be classified as
which of the following categories of wound
a.Primary intention
b.Secondary intention
c.Tertiary intention
d.None of the above

12.Which of the following vitamins is needed
for collagen synthesis, capillary formation,
and resistance to infection?
a.Vitamin A
b.Vitamin B
c.Vitamin C
d.Vitamin K

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the effect of various factors on
wound healing? (Select all that apply.)
a.Children heal more rapidly than older adults.
b.Adequate blood flow is essential for wound
c.People who are thin may heal more slowly
due to the small amounts of subcutaneous
and tissue fat in their bodies.
d.Vitamins B and D are essential for re-
epithelialization and collagen synthesis.
e.People who are taking corticosteroid drugs
are at high risk for delayed healing.
f. Radiation increases bone marrow function,
resulting in increased leukocytes and a de-
creased risk for infection.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the complications that may occur
during wound healing? (Select all that apply.)
a.Symptoms of wound infection are usually
apparent within 1 to 2 weeks after the
injury or surgery.
b.Dehiscence is present when there is a par-
tial or total disruption of wound layers.
c.During evisceration, the viscera protrude
through the incisional area.
d.Patients who are thin are at greater risk for
these complications owing to a thinner
layer of tissue cells.
e.An increase in the flow of serosanguineous
fluid from the wound between postopera-
tive days 4 and 5 is a sign of an impending
f. Postoperative fistula formation is most
often the result of delayed healing, com-
monly manifested by drainage from an
opening in the skin or surgical site.


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