Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
8.The labyrinthinesense informs the brain of
the location of a limb or body part as a result
of joint movements stimulating special nerve
endings in muscles, tendons, and fascia.
True False
9.The cerebral motor cortexintegrates semivol-
untary movements such as walking,
swimming, and laughing.
True False
10.Rehabilitative exercises for knee or elbow
injuries are examples of isokineticexercises.
True False
11.Atelectasisis an incomplete expansion or col-
lapse of lung tissue.
True False
12.Footdropis a complication of immobility in
which the foot cannot maintain itself in the
perpendicular position, heel–toe gait is
impossible, and the patient experiences
extreme difficulty in walking.
True False

13.Should a patient faint or begin to fall while
walking, the nurse should stand with his/her
feet apart to create a wide base of support and
rock the pelvis out on the side oppositethe
True False
14.When a patient stands between the back legs
of a walker, the walker should extend from
the floor to the patient’s hip joint; the
patient’s elbows should be flexed about
30 degrees.
True False
15.A nurse should liftan object to be moved to
reduce the energy needed to overcome the
pull of gravity.
True False

1.Briefly explain the effects of exercise and
immobility on the body systems listed in the
table below. Write your answers in the spaces
provided in the table below.


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

Body System Effects of Exercise Effects of Immobility







Psychological Well-Being

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