Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
e.Emotional tension
3.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the action of carbohydrates in the
body? (Select all that apply.)
a.Carbohydrates are more difficult to digest
than protein or fat.
b.Ninety percent of carbohydrate is digested.
c.The percentage of carbohydrates decreases
as fiber intake increases.
d.All carbohydrates are converted to glucose
for transport through the blood or for use
as energy.
e.The period between when carbohydrates
are consumed and when they are used for
energy varies from 10 to 24 hours.
f.All carbohydrates, except for indigestible
fiber, provide 12 cal/g regardless of the
4.Which of the following statements regarding
the function of protein in the body are
accurate? (Select all that apply.)
a.Within the body, more than a thousand
different proteins are made by combining
amounts and proportions of the 22 amino
b.Proteins are required for the formation of
all body structures.
c.Dietary protein may be labeled complete or
incomplete based on its fiber content.
d.Dietary protein is broken down into amino
acid particles by pancreatic enzymes in the
small intestine.
e.Amino acid particles are absorbed through
the intestinal mucosa to be transported to
the gallbladder.
f.The body’s protein tissues are in a constant
state of flux.
5.Which of the following statements accurately
reflect the effects of fat in the diet? (Select all
that apply.)
a.Fats in the diet are soluble in water and,
therefore, soluble in blood.
b.Ninety-five percent of the lipids in the diet
are in the form of triglycerides.
c.Food fats contain mixtures of saturated and
unsaturated fatty aids depending on the
amount of nitrogen in fat molecules.

d.Most animal fats are considered unsaturated,
and most vegetable fats are considered
e.Saturated fats tend to raise serum cholesterol
f.Fat digestion occurs largely in the small
6.Which of the following are functions of
regulatory nutrients? (Select all that apply.)
a.Vitamins, minerals, and water are regulatory
nutrients because they are needed by the
body for the metabolism of energy nutrients.
b.Vitamins are inorganic compounds needed
by the body in moderate amounts.
c.Vitamins are essential in the diet because
most are either not synthesized in the body
or not made in sufficient quantities.
d.Minerals are inorganic elements found in
all body fluids and tissues in the form of
salts or combined with organic compounds.
e.Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium
are microminerals because they are needed
by the body in amounts of less than
100 mg/day.
f.Water accounts for 35% to 50% of the
adult’s total weight.
7.Which of the following are daily recommended
food servings for specific food groups according
to the MyPyramid Food Guide? (Select all that
a.1 cup of fats or sweets
b.1 cup of fruit
c.12 oz. grains
d. 21 ⁄ 2 cups vegetables
e.3 cups milk
f. 51 ⁄ 2 oz. meats or beans
8.Which of the following statements accurately
describe factors that influence nutrient
requirements? (Select all that apply.)
a.During adulthood, there is an increase in
the basal metabolic rate with each decade.
b.Because of the changes related to aging, the
caloric needs of the older adult increase.
c.During pregnancy and lactation, nutrient
requirements increase.
d.Nutritional needs per unit of body weight
are greater in infancy than at any other
time in life.


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