Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

  1. A 40-year-old man has a father and
    brother who died of heart attacks at
    an early age.

  2. An elderly man fractures a hip and ankle
    bone when falling down a flight of stairs
    in his home.
    Match the model of health and illness listed in
    Part A with the correct definition in Part B.
    PART A
    a.Agent–host–environment model
    b.Health belief model
    c.Health–illness continuum
    d.High-level wellness model
    e.Health promotion model
    PART B

  3. This model views health as a constantly
    changing state, with high-level wellness
    and death being on opposite ends of a
    graduated scale.

  4. Halbert Dunn’s model of health is based
    on a person functioning to maximum
    potential while maintaining balance
    and a purposeful direction in the

  5. This model, developed by Leavell and
    Clark for use in community health, is
    helpful for examining the causes of dis-
    ease in an individual by looking at and
    understanding risk factors.

  6. Rosenstock’s model of health is based on
    three components of disease perception:
    (1) perceived susceptibility to a disease,
    (2) perceived seriousness of a disease,
    and (3) perceived benefits of action.

  7. This model, developed by Pender, illus-
    trates the multidimensional nature
    of persons interacting with their
    environment as they pursue health.

1.Describe how your own self-concept has been
influenced by the following factors:
a.Interpersonal interactions:

b.Physical and cultural influences:

c. Education:


2.Compare and contrast the two types of
illnesses listed below:
a.Acute illness:

b.Chronic illness:

3.Describe where you personally fit on the
health–illness continuum, and why:

4.List two examples of nursing actions that
would be performed at each of the following
levels of preventive care.
a.Primary preventive care:

b.Secondary preventive care:

c. Tertiary preventive care:

5.Describe Dunn’s processes (high-level wellness
health model) that are a part of each individual’s
perception of his/her own wellness state and
help that person know who and what he/she is.

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