Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1



Circle the letter that corresponds to the best
answer for each question.
1.A woman who notices an involuntary loss of
urine following a coughing episode is most
likely experiencing which of the following
types of incontinence?
a.Stress incontinence
b.Urge incontinence
c.Overflow incontinence
d.Functional incontinence
2.Measurement of residual urine by catheteriza-
tion after voiding verifies which of the
following conditions?
a.Urinary tract infection
b.Urinary retention
c.Urinary incontinence
d.Urinary suppression
3.Which of the following catheters should be
used to drain a patient’s bladder for short
periods (5 to 10 minutes)?
a.Foley catheter
b.Suprapubic catheter
c.Indwelling urethral catheter
d.Straight catheter
4.Which of the following facts about the lower
urinary tract system should be kept in mind
when considering catheterization?

a.The bladder normally is a sterile cavity.
b.The external opening to the urethra should
always be sterilized.
c.Pathogens introduced into the bladder re-
main in the bladder.
d.A normal bladder is as susceptible to infec-
tion as an injured one.
5.Which of the following events occurs when
micturition is initiated?
a.The detrusor muscle expands.
b.The internal sphincter contracts.
c.Urine enters the posterior urethra.
d.The muscles of the perineum and external
sphincter contract.
6.Which of the following collection devices is
a nurse’s best option when collecting urine
from a nonambulatory male patient?
a.Specimen hat
b.Large urine collection bag
7.Mr. Gonos is being transferred to the hospital
from a nursing home with a diagnosis of
dehydration and urinary bladder infection.
His skin is also excoriated from urinary
incontinence. Which of the following is the
most appropriate nursing diagnosis for
Mr. Gonos?
a.Impaired Skin Integrity related to
functional incontinence
b.Urinary Incontinence related to urinary
tract infection


Urinary Elimination

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