Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
to arrange a meeting with LeRoy, LeRoy
informs him that he is “managing quite well,
thank you” and that he has no concerns or
problems to discuss.
1.Identify pertinent patient data by placing a
single underline beneath the objective data in
the patient care study and a double underline
beneath the subjective data.
2.Complete the Nursing Process Worksheet on
page 304 to develop a three-part diagnostic
statement and related plan of care for this
3.Write down the patient and personal nursing
strengths you hope to draw on as you assist
this patient to better health.

Patient strengths:

Personal strengths:

4.Pretend that you are performing a nursing
assessment of LeRoy after the plan of care is
implemented. Document your findings.


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