Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
7.Which of the following refers to impaired or
absent functioning in one or more senses?
a.Sensory overload
b.Sensory deficit
c.Sensory deprivation
d.Sensory overstimulation

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following conditions must be
present for a person to receive the data neces-
sary to experience the world? (Select all that
a.A response
b.A stimulus
c.A receptor or sense organ
d.An arousal mechanism
e.An intact nerve pathway
f.A functioning brain
2.Which of the following are factors contributing
to severe sensory alteration? (Select all that
a.Sensory saturation
b.Sensory discrepancies
c.Sensory overload
d.Sensory deprivation
e.Sleep deprivation
f.Cultural overload
3.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the effects of sensory deprivation?
(Select all that apply.)
a.Inaccurate perception of sights, sounds,
tastes, and smells
b.Increased coordination and equilibrium
c.Inability to control direction of thought
d.Increased attention span and ability to
e.Difficulty with memory, problem solving,
and task performance
f.Emotionally caring attitude and stable

4.Which of the following statements accurately
describe factors that affect sensory stimulation?
(Select all that apply.)
a.The amount of stimuli different individuals
consider optimal is constant.
b.Sensory functioning is established at birth
and is independent of stimulation received
during childhood.
c.It is recommended that medically fragile
infants have greater light and visual and
vestibular stimulation.
d.Sensory functioning tends to decline
progressively throughout adulthood.
e.An individual’s culture may dictate the
amount of sensory stimulation considered
f.Different personality types demand
different levels of stimulation.
5.Which of the following are characteristics of
sensory deprivation or overload? (Select all that
b.Decreased sleeping
c.Quickness of thought
e.Dreamless sleep
f.Thought disorganization
6.Which of the following are guidelines that
should be followed when caring for visually
impaired patients? (Select all that apply.)
a.Wait for the person to sense your presence
in the room before identifying yourself.
b.Speak in a normal tone of voice.
c.Explain the reason for touching the person
after doing so.
d.Orient the person to the arrangement of
the room and its furnishings.
e.Assist with ambulation by walking slightly
behind the person.
f.Sit in the person’s field of vision if he or she
has partial or reduced peripheral vision.
7.Which of the following are guidelines to
follow when dealing with patients with hear-
ing impairments? (Select all that apply.)
a.Increase the noise level in the room.
b.Clean ears on a daily basis.


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