Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
3.Patient strengths: Healthy; practices healthy self-
care behaviors; strongly motivated to attain life
goals. Knows himself well enough to “name his
problems” and cares enough about himself to seek
the assistance he needs.
Personal strengths: Belief that meeting spiritual
needs is an important component of good nursing;
excellent rapport with the hospital’s pastoral care
department; history of establishing therapeutic rela-
tionships with patients

4.2 a.m., 2/14/11: Before patient fell asleep, he
thanked me for arranging for him to meet with
Rabbi White. “I guess I did what a lot of people
do—forget all about God while they try to make a
living.” He appears less anxious about his religious
beliefs and feels that his “recent bout with death”
was a timely reminder to evaluate his priorities in
life and make some needed changes. Sleeping
peacefully at present.—T. Michael Gray, RN

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