Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:



  1. law is law in which the govern-
    ment is involved directly.
    2.A state’s protects the public by
    broadly defining the legal scope of nursing

  2. is a specialized form of
    credentialing based on laws passed by a
    state legislature.
    4.A nurse called by either attorney to explain to
    the judge and jury what happened, based on
    the patient’s record, and to offer an opinion
    about whether the nursing care met acceptable
    standards is called a(n).
    5.When the nurse participates in establishing,
    maintaining, and improving healthcare envi-
    ronments and conditions of employment,
    he/she is participating in a practice known
    6.When a nurse documents the fall of an elderly
    patient, he or she is filing a(n)
    7.The Joint Commission defines a(n)
    as an unexpected occurrence
    involving death or serious or psychological
    injury, or the risk thereof.

Match the type of tort listed in Part A with an
example of the tort listed in Part B.

c.Breach of duty
e.Punitive damages
7.Which of the following are steps that occur
when a malpractice suit is being litigated?
(Select all that apply.)
a.The basis for the claim is appropriate and
timely, and at least one element of liability
is present.
b.All parties named as defendants, as well as
insurance companies and attorneys, work
toward a fair settlement.
c.If the case is presented to a malpractice
arbitration panel, the decision of the panel
must be accepted by both parties.
d.The defendants contest allegations, and
pretrial discovery begins.
e.A review of medical records is not allowed
in pretrial discovery.
f.If a verdict from a trial court is not accepted
by both sides, it may be appealed to an
appellate court.
8.Which of the following are legal safeguards for
the nurse? (Select all that apply.)
a.Informed consent
b.Incompetent practice
c.Patient education
d.Executing physician orders without
questioning them
f.Inadequate staffing

Prioritization Question
1.Place the following steps involved in malprac-
tice litigation in the order in which they
would normally occur:
a.Decision or verdict is reached.
b.The basis for the claim is appropriate and
timely; all elements of liability are present.
c.Trial takes place.
d.Pretrial discovery activities and review of
medical records and deposition of plaintiff,
defendants, and witnesses are performed.
e.All parties named as defendants, as well as
insurance companies and attorneys, work
toward a fair settlement.

f.If the verdict is not accepted by both sides,
it may be appealed to an appellate court.
g.The case is presented to a malpractice arbi-
tration panel. The panel’s decision is either
accepted or rejected, in which case a
complaint is filed in trial court.
h.The defendants contest allegations.

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