Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

  1. nursing diagnoses comprise a
    cluster of actual or risk nursing diagnoses that
    are predicted to be present because of a certain
    event or situation.

Match the examples listed in Part B with the
four steps involved in the interpretation and
analysis of data listed in Part A. Answers will
be used more than once.
a.Recognizing significant data
b.Recognizing patterns or clusters
c.Identifying strengths and problems
d.Reaching conclusions

  1. A nurse notes that a patient’s refusal to
    stop smoking will adversely affect his
    recovery from cardiac surgery.

  2. A nurse compares a 15-month-old child’s
    motor abilities with the norms for that
    age group.

  3. A nurse recognizes an unhealthy
    situation developing when her patient,
    recovering from a mastectomy, cries at
    night, refuses to eat, and sleeps all day.

  4. A nurse decides no further nursing
    response is indicated for a woman who
    recovered from gallbladder surgery
    according to schedule.

  5. A maternity nurse notices a newborn’s skin
    tone is markedly different than that of the
    other babies and checks for jaundice.

  6. A nurse determines that a man with a his-
    tory of diabetes is highly motivated to
    develop a healthy pattern of nutrition in
    response to his problem.

  7. A nurse notices that a patient with AIDS
    has an adverse reaction to a drug and
    consults the prescribing physician.

Circle the word “true” or “false” that follows
the statement. If you circled “false,” change the
underlined word or words to make the statement
true. Place your answers in the space provided.
1.Actual or potential health problems that can
be prevented or resolved by independent

nursing intervention are termed collaborative
True False
2.Medical diagnosesrepresent situations that
are the primary responsibility of nurses.
True False
3.A cueis a generally accepted rule, measure,
pattern, or model that can be used to compare
data in the same class or category.
True False
4.A data clusteris a grouping of patient data
or cues, which points to the existence of a
patient health problem.
True False
5.Nursing diagnoses should be derived from a
single cue.
True False
6.The NANDA listis a beginning list of suggested
terms for health problems that may be identi-
fied and treated by nurses.
True False
7.The problem statementof a nursing diagnosis
identifies the physiologic, psychological, soci-
ologic, spiritual, and environmental factors
believed to be related to the problem as either
a cause or a contributing factor.
True False
8.The etiologyof nursing diagnoses directs
nursing intervention.
True False
9.A possiblenursing diagnosis is written when
the nurse suspects that a health problem
exists but needs to gather more data to
confirm the diagnosis.
True False
10.A wellness diagnosisis a clinical judgment
about an individual, family, or community in
transition from a specific level of wellness to
a higher level of wellness.
True False
11.In the diagnosing step, the nurse collects
patient data.
True False

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