Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

6.Which of the following statements concerning
nursing interventions is accurate?
a.Nursing interventions are a separate entity
from the original goal/outcome.
b.Nursing interventions are dated when writ-
ten and when the plan of care is reviewed.
c.Nursing interventions are signed by the
attending physician.
d.Nursing interventions do not describe the
nursing action to be performed.
7.According to Maslow’s hierarchy of human
needs, which of the following examples would
be the highest priority for a patient?
a.Self-actualization needs
b.Love and belonging needs
c.Physiologic needs
d.Safety needs

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following actions are performed
by the nurse in the planning step of the nurs-
ing process? (Select all that apply.)
a.Establishing priorities
b.Collecting and interpreting patient data
c.Identifying expected patient outcomes
d.Selecting evidence-based nursing interven-
e.Recording patient outcomes
f.Communicating the plan of nursing care
2.Which of the following actions occur during
the initial planning of patient care? (Select all
that apply.)
a.The initial plan is developed by the nurse
who performs the admission nursing
history and the physical assessment.
b.After the initial plan is developed, nursing
diagnoses are prioritized.
c.Patient goals and the related nursing care
are identified in the initial plan.
d.Standardized care plans should not be used
as a basis for the initial plan.
e.New data are collected and analyzed to
make the plan more specific and effective.

f.The focus of initial planning is using teach-
ing and counseling skills to help the patient
carry out necessary self-care behaviors at
3.According to Maslow, which of the following
needs rank first, second, and third in the hier-
archy of human needs? (Select all that apply.)
a.Self-esteem needs
b.Self-actualization needs
c.Physiologic needs
d.Safety needs
e.Love and belonging needs
f.Spiritual needs
4.Which of the following are guidelines that
nurses should consider when writing
outcomes? (Select all that apply.)
a.Each set of outcomes should be derived
from a combination of nursing diagnoses.
b.At least one of the outcomes should show a
direct resolution of the problem statement
in the nursing diagnosis.
c.The patient and family need not value the
outcomes as long as they support the plan
of care.
d.Each outcome should be brief and specific.
e.The outcomes should be supportive of the
total treatment plan.
f.Not all outcomes need to specify a time line.
5.Which of the following would be considered a
cognitive outcome? (Select all that apply.)
a.Within 1 week after teaching, the patient
will list three benefits of quitting smoking.
b.By 6/8/12, the patient will correctly demon-
strate injecting himself with insulin.
c.Before discharge, the patient will verbalize
valuing health sufficiently to follow a
healthy diet.
d.By 6/8/12, the patient will describe a meal
plan that is high in fiber.
e.By 6/8/12, the patient will correctly
demonstrate ambulating with a walker.
f.After viewing the film, the patient will ver-
balize four benefits of daily exercise.
6.Which of the following are components of a
measurable outcome? (Select all that apply.)

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