Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

c.Discharge care plan
d.Standardized care plan
e.Kardex care plan
f.Computerized care plan
g.Case management care plan
h.Critical care plan
i.Concept map care plan

  1. A care plan developed by the nurse who
    performs the admission nursing history
    and physical assessment

  2. A care plan that is concisely recorded on
    a card and filed in a central file

  3. Benefits of this type of care plan include
    ready access to an expanded knowledge
    base, improved record keeping and docu-
    mentation, and decreased paperwork.

  4. The chief purpose of this type of planning
    is to keep the plan up to date.

  5. Prepared plans of care that identify the
    nursing diagnoses

  6. This type of plan for leaving the
    institution is best prepared by the nurse
    who has worked most closely with the
    patient, in conjunction with a social
    worker familiar with the patient’s

  7. The emphasis of this care plan is to
    clearly state expected patient outcomes
    and the specific times by which it is
    reasonable to achieve these outcomes.

  8. The emphasis of this type of care plan is
    to individualize the plan to meet unique
    patient needs.

  9. This diagram of patient problems and
    interventions is used to organize data,
    analyze data, and take a holistic view of
    the patient situation.
    Match the patient goals in Part B with the type
    of goal listed in Part A. Answers may be used
    more than once.
    PART A
    a.Cognitive goals
    b.Psychomotor goals
    c.Affective goals


  1. By 3/30/12, patient will successfully
    navigate length of hallway with walker.

  2. By 3/30/12, patient will list five low-fat
    snacks to replace high-fat foods.

  3. By 3/30/12, patient will bathe infant on
    her own.

  4. By 3/30/12, patient will value her health
    sufficiently to stop smoking.

  5. By 3/30/12, patient will list three reasons
    to continue taking blood pressure

  6. By 3/30/12, patient will show concern
    for his well-being and participate in AA
    Match the descriptions in Part B with the type
    of planning being performed in Part A. Answers
    may be used more than once.
    PART A
    a.Initial planning
    b.Ongoing planning
    c.Discharge planning
    PART B

  7. Used to keep the nursing plan up to

  8. Addresses each problem listed in the pri-
    oritized nursing diagnoses and identifies
    appropriate patient goals and related
    nursing care

  9. States nursing diagnoses more clearly
    and develops new diagnoses

  10. Should be carried out by the nurse who
    has worked most closely with the patient
    and family

  11. Involves teaching and counseling skills
    to help the patient and family carry out
    self-care behaviors at home

  12. Standardized care plans provide an
    excellent basis for this type of planning
    if the nurse individualizes them.

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