Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
plan and incorporate self-care for Mr. Franks,
taking into consideration his mental state?

5.Your patient is a pregnant woman, living in a
subsidized housing development. You believe
she is not receiving proper nutrition. She has
two other children and complains that there is
not enough money to put three square meals a
day on the table. When evaluating her plan of
care, you notice there is no mention of provid-
ing counseling in this area. How would you
reevaluate the nursing care plan for this patient
to include options for proper nutrition?

6.Give an example of the following types of
interventions defined by the Nursing Interven-
tion Classification (NIC).
a.Direct care intervention:

b.Indirect care intervention:

c. Community (or public health) intervention:


1.Work with your classmates to list all the
factors (nurse, healthcare team, patient/family,
healthcare setting, resources, and so on) that
might interfere with the nurse’s ability to
implement a plan of care for the following
patients. Then identify facilitating factors.
Think about how you can use this knowledge.
a.A 5-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis is being
discharged into the care of her family,
which consists of a single working mother
and two older brothers.

b.A 17-year-old single mother who is living
with her parents is being sent home with
her newborn son. She is having difficulty
nursing the baby, and the baby is being
treated for jaundice.
2.Spend some time observing nurses as they care
for patients. List all the nursing actions you
observe. Determine whether these actions
involved the use of the nurse’s cognitive
skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills,
ethical/legal skills, or a blend of these skills.
Rate your own skills in these areas and note in
which areas you feel confident and in which
areas you need improvement. Write a plan of
action to help you improve these skills.

Use the following expanded scenario from
Chapter 15 in your textbook to answer the
questions below.
Scenario:Antoinette Browne, a toddler, is
brought to the well-child community clinic
by her grandmother, who lives with the child
and her mother. Physical examination reveals
a negligible gain in height and weight, lethargy,
and a delay in achieving developmental mile-
stones. The grandmother says, “The baby
keeps me awake all night with her crying. I
can’t take it anymore.” Further questioning
reveals that the mother is a single woman
who works nights and sleeps most of the day,
leaving the bulk of the childcare to the
1.What might be the nurse’s response when
advocating for Antoinette and her family?

2.What would be a successful outcome for this


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