NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

  1. At the end, always make sure the person is completely free from any belief he may still be hypno-
    tised. If he thinks he is half under, he will be. Take your time bringing them out of the trance.

  2. Take it slowly, and only in a controlled, safe, environment. No time pressures.

  3. Treat it as a relaxation tool, not an entertainment tool.

Settings for Hypnosis

Your subject should be in a comfortable, reclined position. This could be a comfortable armchair,
couch, or some beanbags on the floor. The subject needs to be someone who trusts you; hypnosis
simply will not work on someone who does not trust their hypnotizer. Finally, make sure there are no
expected guests or interruptions. Switch phones off.

Priming for Hypnosis

Quickly, in the next two seconds, try to eat whatever you can find, no not that! Jeez! Is it true that
French houses have more ceilings than they have floors? Bang, you’re now in a suggestible state.

Confusion is a wonderful catalyst for suggestion, so before we hypnotise our subject, we need to con-
fuse them or shock them a little bit. This confusion and shock will scramble the brain and render them
more suggestible. More specifically, the subject’s prefrontal cortex becomes too occupied with trying
to comprehend the confusing message and reason with the shock to filter out the suggestions as “op-
tional”. The suggestions will go straight to the subconscious, where they will be followed.

The shock does not have to be severe - all you need to do is to look your subject in the eye and touch
them lightly on the arm as you tell them your slightly confusing message. It is also good to lean a little
bit too close while you do your priming. I use a mixture of bad grammar, keywords and reassuring sug-

All hypnosis can be remembered clearly afterwards, safe just like normal memories they will be easy to
recall. You’ll imagine yourself in your mind’s eye and it will get vivid. You will be able to exit the hypno-
sis any time you want, but you probably won’t want to because it’s quite fun. You’ll see the relax and
vivid pictures in your imagination but you don’t worry about that now! If I say something you don’t
understand, just relax and go with the flow. I will bring you back in about half an hour, so treat it as a
relaxation tool and sink into your seat. It’s quite a good time to just fire up your imagination, so let’s

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