Paper 4: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistic

(singke) #1

Time Series Analysis

Table : Finding the trend line by taking middle year (2006) as origin
Year Exports Deviation X^2 XY
(in tons) from 2006 (X)
2003 47 -3 9 -141
2004 50 -2 4 -100
2005 53 -1 1 -53
2006 65 0 0 0
2007 62 1 1 62
2008 64 2 4 128
2009 72 3 9 216
413 ΣX = 0 ΣX^2 = 28 ΣXY=112
The equation of the straight line trend is
Yc = a + bX
Since ΣX = 0; a = ΣN 7Y=^413 =^59

b = 2

XY 112 4

X 28

Σ = =


The trend line is Yc = 59 + 4X (origin 2006)
For 2012 X = 6, so Y 2012 = 59 + 4(6) = 59 + 24
Y = 83
The expected exports for the year 2012 are 83 tons.
Note : We see that though trend line equations are different depending upon the year of origin, but the
trend values would come out to be the same.
Example 7 :
Fit the Straight Line Trend by method of least squares and estimate the sales for 2012.
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Sales 12 13 14 15 22 26
Table : Calculation of Trend & Trend Values
Year Sales Deviations from X = 2X’ X^2 XY Yc = a+bx
2008.5 (X’)
2006 12 -2.5 -5 25 -60 17 + 1.4(-5) = 10
2007 13 -1.5 -3 9 -39 17 + 1.4(-3)= 12.8
2008 14 -0.5 -1 1 -14 17 + 1.4(-1)=15.6
2009 15 0.5 1 1 15 17 + 1.4(1) =18.4
2010 22 1.5 3 9 66 17 + 1.4(3) = 21.2
2011 26 2.5 5 25 130 17 + 1.4(5) = 24.0
102 ΣX’ = 0 ΣX = 0 ΣX^2 = 70 ΣXY = 98
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