A Complete Guide to Web Design

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Preface xv


Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Chapter 10,Tables, provides everything you’d ever want to know about tables,
including a list of table-related HTML tags, troubleshooting tips, and templates for
popular table structures.

Chapter 11, Frames, covers the structure and creation of framed documents,
including explanations of frame-related HTML tags, as well as tips and tricks.

Chapter 12,Forms, lists all tags related to form creation and provides an introduc-
tion to working with CGI scripts.

Chapter 13,Server Side Includes, provides an overview of Server Side Includes,
including their capabilities and listings of the available elements and variables.

Part III, Graphics

The chapters in this part provide background information on web graphics file
formats as well as overviews of available tools and practical tips for graphic
production and optimization.

Chapter 14,GIF Format, describes the popular GIF format and provides tricks for
working with transparency and minimizing file sizes.

Chapter 15,JPEG Format, describes the JPEG format and provides tips on mini-
mizing file sizes.

Chapter 16,PNG Format, introduces this new and powerful graphic file format,
discussing its strengths and limitations.

Chapter 17,Designing Graphics with the Web Palette, discusses the tools and tech-
niques used in creating graphics with colors from the Web Palette.

Part IV, Multimedia and Interactivity

The chapters in this part focus on the animation, audio, and interactive capabili-
ties of the Web.

Chapter 18,Animated GIFs, looks at the creation and optimization of animated

Chapter 19, Audio on the Web, provides an overview of nonstreaming and
streaming audio file formats for web delivery.

Chapter 20, Video on the Web, provides an overview of nonstreaming and
streaming video file formats.

Chapter 21, Interactivity, looks at Macromedia’s Flash and Director Shockwave
formats as well as Java applets and interactive buttons created with JavaScript.

Chapter 22,Introduction to JavaScript, provides a general introduction to Java-
Script as well as a number of templates for creating popular effects such as pop-up
windows, browser-detection, and status-bar messages.

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