A Complete Guide to Web Design

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Design Strategies 9

BrowsersA Variety of

Design Strategies

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Design Strategies

Faced with the dilemma of varying browser capabilities, web designers have
developed a variety of design approaches, some more extreme than others. The
“correct” way to handle a particular site, of course, depends on its use and audi-
ence, but this section should provide a peek into the different positions in the
ongoing debate over where to draw the line.

Lowest Common Denominator Design

A minority of web developers adhere to the ideal standards that the Web should
be accessible to everyone. They may also maintain that presentation should be in
the hands of the end user, not the author. These designers tend to stick with the
safest HTML standard (currently HTML 3.2 or even 2.0) and make sure that pages
work on all browsers, including Lynx and version 1.0 of the popular browsers.

In web design discussion forums, there is consistently a voice representing the
position that all the current embellishments to HTML (Java, JavaScript, style sheets,
and DHTML) are unnecessary to successful communication over the Web.
Designers who design for the lowest common denominator may choose not to use
any of these technologies in their designs.

Current Version Design

Another minority, at the other extreme end of the spectrum, are the web devel-
opers who designonlyfor the most current version of popular browsers (as of this
writing, Navigator 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0), with little concern for site perfor-
mance for other users. The statement “tell them to upgrade—it’sfree!” has often
been used in defense of this design tactic. Beyond this, there are even designers
who design for only the most current version of oneparticularbrowser. Note that
this approach may be perfectly appropriate for intranet design.

Explorer 3.0 yes — yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Explorer 2.1 — — — yes yes yes — — —
AOL 3.0 yes — yes yes yes yes — — —
AOL 2.7 — — ———————
Mosaic 3.0b4 — — — yes yes ————
Mosaic 2.0 — — — yes —————
Mosaic 1.0 — — ———————

WebTV yes — yes yes — — — yes —

Table 1-1: Browser Support for Web Technologies (continued)

HTML3.2 HTML4.0 Anim.GIFsTablesFramesPlug-insJavaJava-ScriptStyleSheets
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