A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
258 Chapter 13 – Server Side Includes

List of Elements

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Specifies the location of the file as a pathname relative to the directory of the
document being parsed.
Specifies the URL path relative to the current document being parsed. If it
does not begin with a slash (/) it is taken to be relative to the current
The size of this file is <!--#fsize file="thisfile.html" -->

flastmod file|virtual ="path"

Inserts the last modification date of a specified file. The date follows thetimefmt
format configuration.
Specifies the location of the file as a pathname relative to the directory of the
document being parsed.
Specifies the URL path relative to the current document being parsed. The
URL cannot contain a scheme or hostname, only a path (and optional query
string). If it does not begin with a slash (/) it is taken to be relative to the
current document.
That file was last modified on
<!--#flastmod virtual="/mydocs/thatfile.html" -->

include file|virtual = "path"

Inserts the contents of another document or file into the parsed file.
Specifies a path relative to the directory of the parsed file (i.e., it cannot
include ../ nor can it be an absolute path). The virtual attribute should always
be used in preference to this one.
Specifies a URL relative to the document being parsed. The URL cannot
contain a scheme or hostname. If it does not begin with a slash (/) it is taken
to be relative to the current document.
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