Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition
Chapter 2A Variety of Displays
Designing for a Variety of Displays
One of the most vexing aspects of web design is knowing that your page is at the
mercy of the software and hardware configuration of each individual user. A page
that looks great on your machine may look radically different, or perhaps even
ghastly, when viewed on another user’s set-up. This is partly due to the browser’s
functionality (as discussed in Chapter 1,Designing for a Variety of Browsers) and
the individual user’s preferences (font size, colors, etc.), but the display device
itself also plays a large part in the success of the page’s design.
This chapter looks at the ways in which design decisions are influenced by the
wide range of displays and viewing conditions. For the majority of your audience,
the variation in display is a function of the monitor’s size (or, more accurately, its
resolution) and color capabilities. However, it is important to keep in mind that
the diversity does not end there. Some users may be watching your web page on
TV. Still others may be viewing it in the palm of their hand on a PDA (personal
digital assistant) or cell phone. Sight-impaired users may be listening to your page,
not viewing it.
Dealing with Unknown Monitor Resolutions
Browser windows can be resized to any dimension, limited only by the maximum
size of the monitor. Designing for an unknown amount of browser real estate is a
challenge unique to web design and one that is particularly troublesome for
designers who are accustomed to the printed page.
In discussion forums frequented by web design professionals, no topic is more
often addressed (nor hotly debated) than the question of which monitor resolu-
tion to design for. As with most web design issues, there is no “right” way to
design for the Web, and your decisions should always be guided by your knowl-
edge of your target audience and the purpose of your site. Still, it is helpful to
understand the environment and to know how others are maneuvering within it.