A Complete Guide to Web Design

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Survey of Web Graphics Tools 313

Web Palette

Survey of Web Graphics Tools

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

The slider is used to shift a range of colors to their nearest Web Palette colors. The
slider specifies a tolerance level (from 0 to 30) for colors to be shifted to the
closest Web Palette equivalents. The higher the value, the more colors that will

Macromedia Fireworks 1.0

Fireworks is another tool that was designed from the ground up specifically for the
creation of web graphics. It, too, offers a number of features that allow web
designers to keep file sizes as small as possible while using web-safe colors.

The Swatches panel contains the Web Palette by default, and it is particularly easy
to create graphics from scratch using Fireworks vector drawing tools. Vector tools
make it easy to draw simple text and objects filled with flat web-safe colors—the
type of images that compress efficiently when converted to GIF format for web

To convert an image to the Web Palette, select FileÝExport and make your
adjustments in the Export Preview dialog box (Figure 17-3).

Figure 17-2: Web Shift slider visible in ImageReady’s Optimize Palette

Figure 17-3: Palette options in Fireworks’ Export Preview dialog box

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