A Complete Guide to Web Design

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Streaming Audio 341


Streaming Audio

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Streaming Audio

Since RealAudio came on the scene in 1994, there has been a stampede of
competitors. As of this writing, RealNetworks continues to dominate the market
due to the ubiquitous distribution of its player and its proven track record.
However, some competitors offer niche products that may better suit your partic-
ular need.

There are many other streaming audio formats, some of which are targeted at opti-
mizing voice-only sound samples. This area of technology is developing quickly,
and companies come and go quickly. For a current list of contenders, you can
check the plug-in list on Netscape’s web site (http://www.netscape.com/comprod/

Available Technologies

The following list represents just a few of the options for adding streaming audio
to your Web site. The web sites listed with each technology provide complete
information on how the system works, pricing structures, and the required soft-
ware components.

RealAudio (RealNetworks)

Progressive Networks (now RealNetworks) was a pioneer in producing a viable
technology for bringing streaming audio to the Web. Despite heavy competition, it
leads the pack in terms of widespread use and popularity, and has grown to be
the standard for putting audio online.

RealAudio is a server-based streaming audio solution with a special emphasis on
optimizing audio for 14.4 and 28.8 connections. To listen to RealAudio files, users
must download and install RealPlayer, which is available for Windows 95, NT,
Mac, and Unix platforms.

RealAudio is just part of a complete line of products for delivering audio, video,
and interactive media. The wide distribution of its player and a proven track
record makes RealAudio an attractive solution to organizations interested in
putting streaming media on the Web.

For more information, visit RealNetworks site athttp://www.real.com/.

Liquid Music System (LiquidAudio)

As stated on their web site, LiquidAudio specifically targets the needs of the music
industry by “providing labels and artists with software tools and technologies to
enable secure online preview and purchase of CD-quality music.”

LiquidAudio delivers CD-quality audio and is the only streaming format that offers
Dolby encoding. Audio files can be watermarked with copyright, owner, and
purchaser information, discouraging piracy and copyright violation.

The player, Liquid MusicPlayer CD, is unique in that it can offer views of album
graphics, lyrics, credits, and up-to-date promotions or announcements (such as

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