A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
364 Chapter 21 – Interactivity


Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

This is used in conjunction with percentagewidthandheightvalues for
defining how the animation fits in the frame.showall(the default) fits the
movie into the frame while maintaining the image proportion (note, the frame
background may be visible along one or two edges of the movie).noborder
scales the movie to fill the frame while maintaining the aspect ratio of the
movie (note, one or two edges might get cut off).exactfitfits the image
into the frame exactly, but may result in image distortion.
This attribute positions the movie within the frame. The lettersl,r,t,b
correspond to left, right, top, and bottom, respectively. You can use any
combination oflorrwithtorb; for example,ltaligns the movie to the
top-left corner of the browser window. If theshowallattribute is selected,
the leftover space would appear below and to the right of the movie.
Sets the base URL and directory that is used for relative path names within the
Flash movie.
Right-clicking in Windows or Control-clicking on a Mac on a Flash movie
brings up a pop-up menu of playback controls. Setting MENU tofalse
disables the choices in the pop-up menu.

The <object> tag

The<object>tag gives the direction to the browser to download and install the
particular ActiveX player for Flash files. It is used only by Internet Explorer
versions 3.0 and higher. The following is an example of the basic<object> tag:
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E=AE6D-11cf-98B8-444553540000"
cab" width=300 height=150>
<PARAM NAME="MOVIE" value="moviename.swf">
Theclassidparameter identifies the particular ActiveX control, andcodebase
provides the browser with its location for downloading. It is important that the
values for these parameters appear in your codeexactly as they are printed here.
You need to specify thewidthandheightdimensions in pixels or in percentage
of the browser window. The first parameter establishes the name and location of
your Shockwave Flash file.
The same additional controls as outlined for the<embed>tag (quality,loop,
play, etc.) can be used with the<object>tag as well, however, they appear as
additional parameters within the<object> tags using the following tag structure:
<PARAM NAME="PLAY" value="true">
<PARAM NAME="LOOP" value="false">
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