A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
24 Chapter 2 – Designing for a Variety of Displays


Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Sight-impaired users may simply use a device that magnifies the screen for easier
reading, in which case there are no special design requirements. Many vision-
impaired users use a text browser (such as Lynx) in conjunction with software that
reads the contents of the screen aloud. Some use devices that translate the text
into Braille. Either way, there is a greater reliance on the structure and the text
within the document. Content in graphics may be completely lost.

Designing Accessible Pages

The following list presents a few simple measures you can take to make your
pages more accessible.

  • Provide alternative text for all images (via thetag’saltattribute).
    Make the alternative text rich and meaningful. Addingalttext should be
    standard procedure for all web page creation; in fact, in the new HTML 4.0
    specification, thealtattribute is now arequiredpart of thetag. (See
    Chapter 9,Adding Images and Other Page Elements, for more information.)

  • Add periods at the end ofalttext so a speech device can locate the logical
    end of the phrase.

  • When linking a graphic, provide a caption under it that also serves as a text

  • Always provide text link alternatives for imagemaps.

  • Offer a text-only version of the whole site from the home page.

  • Provide transcripts or descriptions of audio clips to make that content accessi-
    ble to those with hearing impairments.

  • Use caution in relying on PDF (Adobe’s Portable Document Format) to deliver
    information. If you are using PDF files, provide an HTML alternative. You may
    also provide a link to Adobe’s site where users can download software tools
    that convert PDF files to text format for delivery by nonvisual browsers (http://

  • Provide alternative mechanisms for online forms, such as a text-based order
    form or a phone number for personal assistance.

  • Avoid thetag, which is said to wreak havoc with Braille and speech

  • Be sure content in tables makes sense when read sequentially in the HTML

  • Be aware that misuse of HTML structural tags for presentation purposes (such
    as using the
    tag purely to achieve indents) hinders clear com-
    munication via a speech or Braille device.
    For a thorough list of guidelines for accessible HTML authoring, visit the W3C’s
    recommendations and checklist athttp://www.w3.org/TR/WD-WAI-PAGEAUTH.
    If you would like to check how accessible your web page is, try running it
    through a validator, such as Bobby (http://www.cast.org/bobby /), that will scan
    your page and point out accessibility issues.

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