428 Chapter 23 – Cascading Style Sheets
Browser Support Charts
Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition
This will have no visual effect, but in the course of telling Navigator to draw a one
pixel, solid, transparent border, padding will suddenly start to inherit the back-
ground color. If you leave out this statement, many versions of Navigator will not
extend the background color into the padding. (Again, this is just a workaround to
compensate for bugs in Navigator—this isnothow CSS1 is defined to behave.)
Browser Support Charts
Appendix E in this book contains charts with brower support for style sheet prop-
erties as of this writing. They were compiled and continue to be maintained by
Eric Meyer for WebReview magazine. To get up-to-date statistics on browser
support, WebReview’s Style Sheets Reference Guide online athttp://style.webre-