A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
442 Chapter 24 – Introduction to DHTML


Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

It is beyond the scope of this book to provide working details of WYSIWIG
DHTML tools. Each of these tools have their own pros and cons. Commercial tools
with full DHTML support are likely to provide a more robust implementation and
better support to users. However, these software packages require a larger invest-
ment. If you only want simple animations or style changes, a shareware tool may
be the best way for you to go.
Luckily, most web authoring tools are available for free download over the
Internet on a trial basis so you can experiment and choose the one that suits your
needs. Please remember to register and pay for any shareware you continue using
after your trial period. The fee is usually nominal and goes a long way toward
improving the next version of the software and supporting you, the user.
WYSIWYG DHTML tools differ greatly in their operation. They have to allow the
user to view and manipulate an animation or style change in a graphical way. You
can create animations by dragging objects in the editor, thus eliminating the need
to program Javascript that counts pixels, tracks X/Y coordinates, counts, and
loops. Dreamweaver, for instance allows you attach a timeline, behavior, or both
to a dynamic object or layer.

Figure 24-1 is a screenshot of Dreamweaver’s timeline interface. The numbers on
the top of the window represent frames or time. The numbers going down the
left-hand side represent layers. According to this timeline, Layer 1 appears as the
page loads. Layer 2 appears on frame 10, less than a second after the animation
starts. This animation is set to run at 15 fps (frames per second) as indicated by
the fps box at the top of the screen. The red line going down through the center
of both layers and the number 14 at the top of the timeline indicates that frame 14
is being viewed within the editor.

Advantages of WYSIWYG DHTML Tools

  • There is a shorter learning curve for WYSIWYG editors compared to hand cod-
    ing DHTML.Because DHTML is a combination of HTML, JavaScript, Cascad-
    ing Style Sheets, and DOM, it has a steep learning curve. An editor hides the
    complexities of DHTML and allows you to manipulate objects through a time-
    line or other graphic interface.

Figure 24-1: Dreamweaver’s timeline WYSIWYG interface
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