32 Chapter 3 – Web Design Principles for Print Designers
Color on the Web
Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition
that requires only six characters to describe an RGB color. The hexadecimal
equivalent of 51-51-255 is 3333FF.
The Apple Color Picker specifies colors in percentages, not absolute RGB
decimal values. For Macintosh programs that rely on the Apple Color Picker
(such as Claris HomePage and Adobe PageMill), you’ll need to be able to
convert percentage values to true decimal values. The percentage value equiv-
alent of 51-51-255 is 20%-20%-100%.
Table 3-2 shows the decimal, hexadecimal, and percentage values for each of the
six component values in the Web Palette.
Reducing to the Web Palette
Colors on a web page are forced to adapt to the browser’s Web Palette. The only
way to ensure that all users will see your colors as you intend them is to use web-
safe colors when you design the page. (See “Designing with the Web Palette” in
this chapter.)
Colors in Images
Browsers attempt to approximate the colors in an image by dithering, mixing
pixels of similar colors available in the palette. For photographic images, the
effects of dithering are usually not detrimental (and in some cases may be
beneficial). However, in areas of flat color (such as in a logo or line-art illus-
tration), the random dot pattern caused by dithering may be undesirable.
Chapter 17, Designing Graphics with the Web Palette, discusses techniques
and tools for applying the palette to graphics during the design and produc-
tion process.
Colors in the HTML document
Colors specified in the HTML document, such as background and text colors,
will usually be replaced by the nearest available Web Palette color (Internet
Explorer may dither background colors). This effect is calledcolor shifting
and it can result in a large discrepancy between how a color (as defined by its
RGB values) is rendered on a 24-bit display versus an 8-bit display.
Designing with the Web Palette
While the Web Palette can lead to unpredictable and undesirable effects such as
dithering or color shifting on 8-bit monitors, you can also use it to your advan-
Table 3-2: Numerical Values for Web Palette Colors
Decimal Hexadecimal Percentage
0 (darkest) 00 0%
51 33 20%
102 66 40%
153 99 60%
204 CC 80%
255 (lightest) FF 100%