A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


& ElementssHTML Tags

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

Appendix AsHTML Tags & Elements


HTML Tags and Elements

(Including the HTML 4.0 Specification of April, 1998)

This appendix contains the master list of HTML tags that appear in this book. It
includes all the tags listed in the HTML 4.0 Specification (including the complete
list of attributes for each tag), tags in current use that are not specifically
mentioned in the 4.0 Spec, and all browser-specific tags and attributes.

Attributes Key

Many of the tags and elements in this appendix are followed by notes indicating
their use or exclusive browser support. The following chart provides explanations
for each of those notes.

In the interest of saving space, this appendix adopts the convention established by
the HTML 4.0 Specification of using special attribute group names. Each of these
names, indicated in italic text in the charts, represents a collection of specific
attributes or events, as described:

Core attributes indicates the collection of core HTML attributes:

i18nstands for “internationalization”:

—D Deprecated in the HTML 4.0 Specification
—R Attribute is required in the tag
—IE Tag or attribute is supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer only
—NN Tag or attribute is supported by Netscape Navigator only
—event An event used by a scripting language

id assigns a unique identifying name to the element
class assigns a classification name to the element
style assigns associated style information
title assigns an advisory title/amplification

lang specifies the language for the element by its 2-character language
dir specifies the direction of the element (left to right, or right to left)
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