Game Design

(Elliott) #1

that.” If it is not down on the paper, it is not part of the game’s focus. Someone who
reads the focus on paper should be able to understand your vision without further
explanation. I find that writing the focus down really helps to clarify and solidify what
the game is attempting to achieve.

When I worked on my first game,Odyssey, I had no grand plan to have a focus. Nor
did I sit down and purposefully think it out. On the other hand, I recall the primary goal
revolving around a story. It was the story of a mad scientist-type character, a powerful
sorcerer who performed experiments on hapless humanoid creatures. These were not
biological experiments, but rather social ones — experiments where he would see how
these humans would treat each other when placed in certain circumstances. Really, he
was exploring the evil side of all sentient creatures. SoOdyssey’s focus was to explore
the mean and vicious ways different groups of people can treat each other in certain sit-
uations and to set up scenarios where the players witnessed this first-hand and would
have a chance to make a real change in their lives. Non-linearity and multiple solutions
were also at the forefront of my mind, so I set out to make sure players would be able to
pursue different tactics to solve the problems they were presented with, with no solu-
tion being designated as the “right” one. And so I had my focus. Without really thinking
of it in terms of a focus or vision, I had determined what I wanted to do with the game,
and I was able to stick with that for the duration of the project. Since I was basically
developing the project solo, I did not have to communicate this focus to anyone else,
and if I had needed to I doubt that I could have without considerable reflection. Though I
knew in my head what I wanted in the game, at the time I could not define my goals in
terms someone else could understand. Now, looking back, I can come up with the

InOdyssey, the player explores a rich story line about the evil nature of
mankind, and sees under what circumstances groups will treat each other
in morally reprehensible ways. This is a simple RPG/adventure game.
Though sword-and-sorcery combat will be involved, it never overtakes the

76 Chapter 5: Focus

Though I did not know it
at the time of the
game’s development,
Odyssey’s focus was
centered on telling a
specific story.
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