Game Design

(Elliott) #1

Regardless of what other applications you may find for it, always remember that
you wrote down your focus in order to help your game’s development. Many game
designers do not have a focus when they are working on a game, and it shows. Some
fear it because they do not want to become “locked” into any one idea. Such trepidation
is unfounded since you have the freedom to change your focus whenever you want.
Indeed, without writing it down, you may not even realize that a change of course is
warranted. Of course, it is possible to make a good game without really having any idea
of what your game is all about. It is also possible to win the lottery. When your liveli-
hood, reputation, and the quality of your final game are on the line, however, you want
something more than luck to determine if your game works or not. Using a focus is one
tool that will help you to create a solid, entertaining, and compelling game.

86 Chapter 5: Focus

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