my track record, I don’t know if I’m the one to be offering advice there. Whenever
something unusual comes
out likeThe Sims,Iliketo
think that all of a sudden
people say, “Hey, that was
really off-the-wall, and it
sold great!” Maybe that
might help to green-light
some other off-the-wall
projects at other compa-
nies that were having
problems getting approv-
ed. But I think realistically
they’re more likely to say,
“Oh, we want a game just
likeThe Sims.” Unfortu-
nately, that’s probably the
lesson they’re going to
carry from it.
Will Wright Gameography
Raid Over Bungeling Bay, 1984
SimCity, 1989
SimEarth, 1990
SimAnt, 1992
SimCity 2000, 1994
SimCopter, 1997
The Sims, 2000
The Sims Online, 2002
448 Chapter 22: Interview: Will Wright
The Sims