Unspeakableuses three primary types of camera that follow the main character through
the game-world and allow the player to view the contents of the game-world. One is
used when the player is moving around the world without his weapons aimed, the sec-
ond is for when the Target button is held down and the player is in Aimed Weapon
Mode, and the third is for when the player is in First-Person/Examine Mode.
The player views their character in the game-world from a third-person,
over-the-shoulder view, much like that found in games such asSyphon FilterorDrakan.
The camera will stay behind the player so that the player has a view that matches what
Torque sees. Furthermore, the player will be able to intuitively turn Torque and have
the camera rotate with him, allowing the player to look at and target enemies in what-
ever area of the game-world he wants. The player can turn and pitch his character with
the right analog stick, which lets them see the area surrounding his character, while
simultaneously changing the character’s facing. When the player releases the right
stick to its center position, the camera will remove the pitching, returning to a verti-
cally centered view, an effect called “lookspring.” When the player character is not
moving, the camera finds a position slightly off to the side of the player character, so
that it isn’t “locked” on to his back and provides alternate views of the character. When
the character is moving, the camera will stay more immediately behind Torque, to allow
the player to intuitively navigate the game-world.
Aimed Weapon
When the player is in Aimed Weapon Mode, Torque is pointing his gun forward, either
at a general area in front of him (if there is no target available) or at an auto-picked tar-
get. With no target, the camera will maintain its orientation in the world, moving but not
rotating along with Torque. When there is a target, the camera will also not change its
orientation, unless the current target is going to go off the screen, either because
Torque’s movements would force the target off the screen or because the target’s own
movement would do the same. When the target is going off the screen, the camera will
rotate itself to keep Torque in the center of its view while also keeping the target on the
screen. The player’s ability to pitch will also be limited by the necessity of keeping the
current target on the screen. The desired functionality of the camera here matches that
found in theSyphon Filterseries.
First-Person/Examine Mode
The player is able to go into a first-person view of the game-world, which represents
seeing through Torque’s eyes. Torque is invisible to the player while in this mode. The
left analog stick allows the player to pitch the view up and down and turn left and right,
looking around the game-world. The right stick allows the player to strafe left and right
at a slower-than-normal speed, allowing the player to shift the view horizontally
slightly. This mode will also be used when the player uses mounted weapons.
Appendix B: Sample Design Document:The Suffering 591