Game Design

(Elliott) #1

dark area where the Cartwheeler was, expecting to be killed.
DH13. As the player rounds a corner and the hall continues, he spots theCartwheeler
up ahead on the ceiling that drops down in front of him, blocking his way. Suddenly
the player hears gunfire as the Cartwheeler is shot down and killed by anArmed
Guardfarther down the hall.
DH14. TheArmed Guardcalls to the player and the player approaches him. The
Armed Guard tells the player they need to work together, and tells him to go get a
Flashlightfrom theEquipment Roomjust down the hall.
DH15. In theEquipment Room, the player finds aFlashlightthat is fully charged. A
mysteriousPA speakerin the room talks to the player in a nefarious voice, urging
him, “You can’t trust him, kill him before he puts you back in your cell.”
DH16. Leaving theEquipment Roomwith theFlashlight, theArmed Guardtells
the player that they need to head down theStairstoward the exit. The Armed
Guard leads the prisoner downstairs.

Area: Death House, First Floor

DH17. TheStairslead down to the first floor, where it is pitch black, though the player
can now use hisFlashlightto shine the way. At the bottom, aCartwheeler
appears, but the player can use his Flashlight to frighten him away, potentially
wounding it with hisShiv. After a moment aSecond Cartwheelerappears.
DH18. While the player is fighting, the Armed Guard is also attacking the
Cartwheelers. He apologizes for putting the player at risk like that. At the room at
the bottom of the Stairs, there are two passageways: one to the abandonedElec-
tric Chair Roomand one to a hallway that leads to theElectric Chair Control
Room,which looks in on the chair. The Armed Guard tells the player to look in the
executioner’s room while he checks out the execution chamber.
DH19. Suddenly, theArmed Guardhears a sound coming from theElectric Chair
Room, and he runs off to investigate it. Once the guard has entered the room, sud-
denly a burst of lightning fills the room, and the Armed Guard is killed and
DH20. The player can now go to theElectric Chair Roomto find that all that is left of
theArmed Guardis a pile of ash, though the player can now pick up hisRevolver.
DH21. If the player decides to kill theArmed Guardat the top of theStairs, the
Armed Guard will fight back with hisRevolver. If the player successfully kills him,
however, he will get his Revolver, but will have to fight theCartwheelersat the
bottom of the Stairs by himself. Step 19 will be skipped entirely.
DH22. Continuing down the hallway that leads to theExecutioner’s Control Room,
the player comes to aLarge Foyer. Locked double doors lead to the outside. A
hallway leads to the Gas Chamber and Electric Chair Observation rooms, but has
been collapsed by the earthquake. Another hallway leads north, but is blocked by a
Double Lock Down Gate.ALock Down Gate Control Roomis also off the
north end of the Large Foyer, which has a locked door on it. FourCartwheelers
drop out of the ceiling (though not necessarily all at once) and provide the player
with his first experience at gun combat. If the player didn’t pick up the gun, this bat-
tle is going to be difficult to survive.

640 Appendix B: Sample Design Document:The Suffering

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