Game Design

(Elliott) #1
fantastic. Though not specifically about game design, the book will be a joy to read
for anyone who wants to learn more about the fascinating history of computer

Kent, Stephen L.The Ultimate History of Video Games. Roseville, CA: Prima Publishing,
This is the most exhaustive and definitive book about the history of video and com-
puter games written to date. Though it is lighter on images thanHigh Score!,it
goes into much more detail about the history of computer gaming, both creatively
and from a business standpoint. It is not specifically about game design issues, but
its insights into game history are riveting for anyone interested in the form.

McCloud, Scott.Understanding Comics. Northampton, MA: Kitchen Sink Press, Inc.,
____.Reinventing Comics.New York: Paradox Press, 2000.

Though these books are technically about comics, they both provide tremendous
insight about media and art of all kinds. It is fair to say thatUnderstanding Comics
fundamentally changed the way I think about art.

McLuhan, Marshall.Understanding Media. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1964.
reprint Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994.
The definitive book on media of all kinds, a work that takes on new meaning in the
age of the Internet. McLuhan may be a bit obtuse in his writing style, but his
insights are without peer.

Strunk, William and E.B. White.The Elements of Style. New York: Macmillan Pub-
lishing, 1959; reprint 4th Ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
The Elements of Styleremains the last word on clear and concise writing. It is a book
that anyone writing a design document, script, or book about game design would
do well to read.


Computer Gaming World(Ziff Davis Media)

Still the best monthly magazine about computer games.

Develop(MCV Media)

The UK counterpart toGame Developer,Develophas a more sarcastic take on the
game industry and is somewhat more business-oriented, while still covering real
development issues from all angles.

Edge(Future Publishing, Inc.)

This unique magazine is equally interested in reviewing games and looking under
the hood of how they are developed. In many ways, this was the UK counterpart to
Next Generation, and with that magazine’s demise is now the only magazine of its

Game Developer(CMP Media, Inc.)

The closest the gaming industry has to a trade magazine,Game Developercovers all
aspects of game development, including articles on game design.

Selected Bibliography 673

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