Game Design

(Elliott) #1

Vietnam, 266
camera, 476
first-person, 328
in level editor, 394-395
isometric, 423
of game-world, 137, 299, 365, 476
over-the-shoulder, 344
side, 344
third-person, 328, 527-528
top-down, 399, 476
visually authentic, 397
wire-frame, 396
violence, 432, 445
virtual worlds, 4, 241-242
Visicalc, 186
Visicorp, 186
vision for game design, 380-381, 479-499
communicating, 373, 519
visual information, 139-140
visual output, 137
voice support in multi-player games, 250
voice-over, 507-508, 510
Vulcan editor, 397-398
Vulcan mind meld, 506

wackiness, in games, 421
Wafer-Thin Documents, 374-375
Waiting for Dark, 327, 352
War and Peace, 376
War of the Monsters, 240
WarCraft, 28, 139, 297, 300-301, 460-461,
461 , 465
WarCraft II, 368
WarCraft III, 309
World Editor, 404
wargames, 28, 258, 266, 458
artificial intelligence in, 159-160
Warhammer, 508
Warner Bros., 97-98
Wasteland, 216
Watcom, 512
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey, 103-104
Welltris, 146
Wheatley, Dennis, 186
whiners, 485
Who Killed Marshall Robner?, 186
Wike, Doug, 507
Wiki system, 319, 358, 379
Wile E. Coyote, 97-98

Wilmunder, Aric, 229
Wilson, Edward, 419
win/lose conditions, 384, 411
Wing Commander, 263-264
Winter Carnival Whirlwind, 72-74
focus, 74
sub-focuses of, 83-85
wire-frame view, 396
Wishbringer, 177, 228
Wizard, 260
Wizardry I, 505
Wolfenstein 3D, 298, 510-511, 513-514
Wood, Dennis, 100-101
world creation tools, 392-407
Worldcraft, 395, 173, 195
Worrall, James, 475
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 390
Wright, Will, 11, 270, 277-278, 382, 384,
386, 388, 390, 408-448, 486, 497
Wrigley Field, 451
writing, 306, 353
for games, 196, 201, 221-225
style, 312, 357-359
Xbox Live, 241
X-Com: UFO Defense,115
X-Trek, 503
Xybots, 87, 88, 99-100, 100
Yankee Stadium, 451
“you can’t do that,” 191
“your game is too hard,” 495-497
Zeuch, David, 258
ZIL engine, 182-183
zombies, 435, 516
Zoner level editor, 395
Zork, 143, 173, 176, 177, 180
Zork I, 173, 186, 190, 197, 199
Zork II, 173, 174
Zork III, 173, 187
Zork V, 180
Zork Zero, 180-181, 187, 198

698 Index

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