Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
136 Potential for development and conservation of Dacryodes edulis
The major land use patterns in Sakpoba Forest Reserve are farming
(predominantly arable, plantation), taungya agroforestry systems and areas
set aside for biodiversity conservation and forest regeneration (Table 1). The
area was constituted and gazetted into forest reserve by the regional
government in 1912. Ownership and authority have changed hands between
regional and native authorities several times, but the Edo State government
now controls the management of the reserve. Since its constitution into
government forest reserve, natives have been granted the privilege to reside
and practice sedentary agriculture within approved demarcated areas close
to the communities. Traditional communal landowners enjoy the rights to
hunt and fish and to access other water resources as well as the right of way
along the Sapele-Sakpoba-Igbekhue motor road. Sakpoba Forest Reserve
occupies a significant position in forestry practices in Nigeria. Its proximity to
Benin City, Sapele and Agbor markets make it an attractive area of continued
forest development.

Land use system Area (km^2 ) Percentage
of total area(%)
Rain-fed arable 20 4
Irrigation arable 0 0
Permanent crops 104 20
Pasture 5 0.96
Swidden fallow 5.2 1
Forest 160 30.6
Urban/settlement 2 10.804
Marshy/swamped 26 5

Table 1. Predominant land use pattern in Sakpoba Forest Reserve

Source: FORMECU 1998.

Settlements in the Sakpoba Forest Reserve used to be served with good
motorable roads totaling about 320 kilometres (Table 2). The perennial rivers
used for transportation include the Jamieson and Ossiomo rivers. The main
Agbor-Sapele and Sakpoba-Idu roads were constructed in 1926 and 1940,
respectively, and timber exploiters have constructed various short log-
extraction routes. These roads are in terrible states of disrepair and available
for product extraction and transportation to major markets only during the
short dry period of the year.
The forest/vegetation type is moist evergreen lowland rainforest. This zone
is characterized by a potential evapotranspiration ratio of between 0.125 and

  1. The average annual rainfall ranges between 1,000 mm and 3,000 mm, while
    the mean daily temperature is about 24°C. The climatic classification of the
    recorded production area according to the Köppen system falls within the
    rainy climate with or without dry season winter. The temperature of the coolest
    month is above 18°C. It is constantly moist, and rainfall in the driest month is
    not less than 60 mm (UNEP 1995).

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