Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Charles Adu-Anning 267
Socio-economic characteristics of raw material production area
Because the process of rattan extraction is so labour intensive and has a high
risk of accident and injuries, collection is a male dominated activity undertaken
mainly by the youths of a community. Thus all of the raw material producers
surveyed as part of this study were male, with the 40% plurality falling in the
range of 30 to 39 years old (Figure 2). The average age is 38 years. Sixty per
cent of the collectors have settled in the extraction areas after moving there
from other parts of the country to engage in farming activities.

Figure 2. Age distribution of rattan collectors

Eighty per cent of the rattan collectors interviewed were middle school
leavers, 5% have postsecondary education while 10% have primary education.
The remaining 5% had no formal education (Figure 3). Rattan collectors are
also involved in other income generating activities, namely farming, tailoring
and carpentry. Table 1 shows the average incomes obtained from these

Figure 3. Educational status of rattan collectors

15Rattan.p65 267 22/12/2004, 11:05

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