Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Chapter 17

Rattan exploitation in the Yaoundé

Region of Cameroon

Louis Defo^1

Common names Part of the Management Degree of Scale of Geographic
resource used transformation trade range
Maraca, Rattan, Stem Wild Medium International Large

From 1996 to 2000 intensive investigations based on observations, surveys,
interviews and the use of standardised questionnaires were carried out in the
rattan sector in the Yaoundé region in Cameroon. The following data could be
summarised from this research:
a. Rattan (mainly Eremospatha macrocarpa and Laccosperma
secundiflorum and Laccosperma robustum) constitutes the most prized
non-timber forest products in the villages concerned and assumes an
undeniable economic, social and cultural importance. In the village
production system, it ranks second only after agriculture.
b. The exploitation of rattan is based exclusively on natural stands and is
not undertaken in a sustainable manner. This resource, access to which
is easy and free, is being subjected to considerable pressures. All this is
detrimental to its productive potential. This situation is partly
attributable to the inadequate and summary nature of the regulation.
c. Rattan is collected in the region mostly by young men, who process it
on the spot in villages or sell (the greatest part) of it in the unprocessed
state directly to craftsmen in Yaoundé. The conjunction of several factors
has led to an appreciable increase in the number of processing units
and the volume of rattan supply in this city in the course of the last few
d. Rattan processing in Yaoundé is operated in a rudimentary manner by
about 100 small-scale enterprises run almost entirely by men. The output
of these processing units is of average or mediocre quality. It is sold
almost exclusively in the domestic market.

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