Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Louis Defo 315

  1. These were the last important migrations and settlements in the humid
    forest zone before the colonial period.

  2. This means ’transformed by human beings’.

  3. If major constraints are eliminated or attenuated.

  4. In almost all cases, what people consider as ‘their forest’ is state
    property. In most of these forests peoples only have the right of usage.

  5. This effort is manifested through the use of jigsaw and sander and the
    recruitment of persons for specialised tasks.

  6. The diversification of types and models is facilitated by the use of Asian
    and European catalogues by an increasing number of PUs.

  7. Increase from 5% to about 30% according to the quantities and the
    evolution in prices of industrial inputs used in the manufacture of the object
    in question.

  8. This situation is advantageous for the consumer as far as the price is

  9. The two activities are often undertaken together at the same time.

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Defo, L. 1998 L’exploitation des rotangs dans la proche campagne de Yaoundé.
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Defo, L. 1999a Des lianes très sollicitées: les rotangs dans la proche campagne
de Yaoundé. APFT News 7: 9–12.
Defo, L. 1999b Rattan or porcupine: benefits and limitations of a high value
NWFP for conservation in Yaounde region of Cameroon. In: Sunderland,
T.C.H., Clark, L.E. and Vantomme, P. (eds.) Non-wood forest products of
Central Africa: current research issues and prospects for conservation and
development, 237–244. FAO, Rome.
Defo, L. 1999c Les exploitants des produits forestiers non ligneux, des «hors la
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