Dominic Blay 33
This figure assumes a monthly production of over 14 million chewing stick
Most traders are aged between 30 and 39 years, only a small minority
being 60 years or older. About 15% are male. Chewing stick trading is the
major occupation of 85% of the traders interviewed while only 15% consider it
as a minor, or secondary, occupation. Chewing stick logs are transported over
300 km on mostly lateritic roads to Kumasi and Accra, hence the traders incur
heavy transportation costs. In addition to the direct costs of transportation,
the traders also pay for the cost of loading and off loading.
Traders that double as processors generally employ people to work with
them. The income obtained from chewing sticks was said to be decreasing
because of the shortage of logs. Almost all traders market their wares at the
Kokomba and Aghophloshie markets in Accra and at the Central Market in
Kumasi. These markets are well noted in the country for the trade of chewing
sticks, both processed and raw. In addition to these main markets, bundles of
chewing sticks are retailed in all markets and garages. Processed chewing
sticks are also transported to Togo for sale. From our surveys we estimate that
about 15% of the total product is exported to Togo.
Forest reserve/off reserve
Urban gatherer
Urban wholesale,
first order trader
second order trader
Chewing stick producers
First order
Second order
processors/third order
fourth order traders
Village gatherer
Village trader
Figure 2. Chewing sticks trade network in Ghana
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