Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Nouhou Ndam and Mahop Tonye Marcelin 39

Figure 1. Concentration of Prunus africana on lava flows

proportion of children being sent to school. As the commercial value of P. africana
in the international trade continues to increase—it currently stands at US$220
million annually, representing roughly 3,600 tonnes of raw material (Cunningham
et al. 1997)—owing to the gradual inclusion of the plant’s products in the U.S.
health care system as a dietary supplement, the population of the Mount
Cameroon area community based organisations are becoming more organised
to secure more benefit for themselves and future generations.


The resource base
Three major forest types are reported to occur in the Mount Cameroon area,
namely agricultural fallow (15%), secondary forest (35%) and closed-canopy
primary forest (50%) (Ndam 1998). P. africana is an evergreen species occurring
in montane areas at a minimum elevation of approximately 900 m (Hutchinson
and Dalziel 1958). In the Mount Cameroon region, the raw material production
area represents 2,000 km^2 with mixed distribution patterns of isolated and
clustered individuals (ONADEF unpublished report). The distribution of the species

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