Eliminating one or the other components, gives the standardenergy-momentum-mass relation,
(k^20 −~k^2 −m^2 )uL,R(~k) = 0. To solve the Dirac equation, it is useful to separate themassless case
from the massive one. Whenm= 0, we may choose the momentum as follows,kμ= (k 0 , 0 , 0 ,k)
wherek 0 =|k|. The equations foruL,uRthen read,
(k 0 −kσ^3 )uL = 0
(k 0 +kσ^3 )uR = 0 (22.49)
The solutions depend on the sign ofk, and we have,
k > 0
uL 2 = 0
uR 1 = 0
k < 0
uL 1 = 0
uR 2 = 0
For a left Weyl spinor, for example, withk > 0, there is a 1-dimensional space of solutions,
parametrized by uL 1 , corresponding to the definite helicity +1/2 ̄h. Form 6 = 0, we have two
linearly independent solutionsu(ℓ)forℓ= 1,2, which may be parametrized as follows,
(k 0 −~k·~σ)u(Lℓ) u(1)L =
u(2)L =
22.6 The conserved current of fermion number
The Dirac equation is invariant under phase rotations of thefieldψby anx-independent angleθ,
ψ(x)→ψ′(x) =eiθψ(x) (22.52)
and the associated conserved current is given by
jμ=ψ†γ^0 γμψ (22.53)
We begin by showing thatjμ indeed transforms as a 4-vector under Lorentz transformations.
Group theoretically, this works as follows. We decomposeψinto its Weyl components, and recast
the fermion number current in terms ofψL,R,
jμ=ψ†L ̄σμψL+ψ†RσμψR (22.54)
SinceψL ∼ (^12 ,0) andψR ∼ (0,^12 ), this combination does indeed give rise to a vector, since
ψ†L⊗ψL∼(^12 ,^12 ), as well asψ†R⊗ψR∼(^12 ,^12 ). More precisely, we need the transformation matrices
for the complex conjugate ofψ, which can be obtained as follows,
ψ(x) → ψ′(x′) =D(Λ)ψ(x)
ψ(x)† → (ψ′(x))†=ψ(x)†D(Λ)†
ψ ̄(x) → ψ ̄′(x′) =ψ(x)†D(Λ)†γ^0 =−ψ ̄(x)γ^0 D(Λ)†γ^0 (22.55)