
(Wang) #1

The operatorH 1 will be self-adjoint if a domainD(H 1 ) can be chosen for the functionsψ

andφsuch thatj(0) = 0 forany pairψ,φ∈ D(H 1 ). This will be the case if the domain is

defined to be the subspace ofC∞functions which obey

ψ(0) +λ


(0) = 0 (5.121)

for a given real constantλ. Note thatλ= 0 and corresponds to Dirichlet boundary condi-

tions, whileλ=∞corresponds to Neumann boundary conditions. Thus,λparametrizes an

interpolation between Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, and for each value ofλ,

H 1 is self-adjoint.

The spectrum ofH 1 depends onλeven though, at face value, the differential operatorH 1

of (5.118) does not involveλ. Consider, for example, the problem with a potentialV(x) = 0

for 0≤x < ℓ, andV(x) = +∞forx≥ℓ, and solve for the eigenvaluesEofH 1. To satisfy

the vanishing boundary condition atx=ℓ, we must have

ψ(x) = sink(x−ℓ) E=

̄h^2 k^2

2 m


wherekcan be any positive real number. Enforcing also theλ-dependent boundary condition

(5.121) atx= 0 renders the spectrum ofkdiscrete, and requires,

tg(kℓ) =λk (5.123)

We recover the special cases,

λ= 0 kn=

2 nπ

2 ℓ

n= 1, 2 , 3 ,···

λ=∞ kn=


2 ℓ


For intermediate values ofλ, the solutions are transcendental, and may be determined graph-

ically. They clearly interpolate between the above cases. Thus, thespectrum depends on

the precise domain, through the boundary conditions.

5.9.2 Example 2: One-dimensional momentum in a box

Next, consider the 1-dim quantum system given by the Hamiltonian,

H 2 =i ̄hc




As an operator on functions on the real line,H 2 is self-adjoint. But what happens when we

attempt to put the system in a box? For example, canH 2 be self-adjoint when acting on

functions on the finite interval [0,ℓ] withℓ >0?

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