histoy G-10 E

(Sachin1122) #1

King Vijayabahu I

King Vijayabahu I is another prominent and a
great ruler who belongs to the history of this
country. The king acted to suppress the power
of Chola through a war movement planned in a
very intelligent manner during a period in which
Sri Lanka was under the Chola ruling for a long
time after the growth of power of the Chola kings
in South India.

The King was called Keerthi in his childhood
and grew in Ruhuna area. The royal family
including prince Keerthi and his parents were
given protection by a public officer who lived
in Ruhuna. He was Sithnarubima Budhal Na by
name. He was a security officer. An interesting
description of the way that Budhal Na provided
protection to the royal family is included in the
Panakaduwa copper plate which had been got
written by king Vijayabahu I.

All the steps taken by king Vijayabahu I to
act against the powerful Chola kings was an
effective fruitful procedure followed to protect
the existence of the whole territory in the
country. The concepts of freedom of territory in
any country and continuity are called territorial
integrity. The protection of the territorial integrity
of a country by a ruler is a prime responsibility of
him for the citizens.

The king, who united the country by defeating
the Chola rulers through a fighting movement,
took much pain to develop the country. He acted
immediately to renovate the Buddhist temples
which were not maintained properly during the
period of the Chola ruling. The king took a very
important step to strengthen the economy of the
country; that is, making Polonnaruwa his ruling
centre instead of Anuradhapura. The king took
such a step because the international trade based
on the Western areas of India by then had been
transferred to the Eastern Indian region. With
that transferring, what was very important for
Sri Lanka was to organize the administration

in a way in which maintaining the relationships
with Eastern region of India could take place
easily. Though ex-rulers had paid their attention
on this before, king Vijayabahu I was the one
who acted practically regarding the matter.
One of the main reasons that appear to have
affected to select Polonnaruwa as the ruling
centre was the Trincomalee harbour, which was
named Gokanna Thiththa during that period,
was located facing the Eastern part of the South
Indian ocean and he understood that controlling
of the trade affairs of that harbour could be done
easily from the Polonnaruwa ruling centre.

The way king Vijayabahu I acted as a ruler
influenced much on the history of Sri Lanka
during the Polonnaruwa period. The sovereignty
of this country, which was preserved until it was
threatened by the Europeans, was a result of the
intelligence and great ideas of the rulers of that

Activity 1

Describe the persons who were introduced
by the names given below.


  1. Gamika

  2. Parumaka

  3. Raja

Activity 2

Write a short description about the
prominent kings who ruled the country during
Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa periods.
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