Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance

(Nora) #1
Contents IX

On efficient optimisation of the CVaR and related LP computable risk
measures for portfolio selection
Włodzimierz Ogryczak and TomaszSliwi ́ ́ nski........................... 245

A pattern recognition algorithm for optimal profits in currency trading
Danilo Pelusi..................................................... 253

Nonlinear cointegration in financial time series
Claudio Pizzi..................................................... 263

Optimal dynamic asset allocation in a non–Gaussian world
Gianni Pola...................................................... 273

Fair costs of guaranteed minimum death benefit contracts
Franc ̧ois Quittard-Pinon and Rivo Randrianarivony...................... 283

Solvency evaluation of the guaranty fund at a large financial cooperative
Jean Roy........................................................ 295

A Monte Carlo approach to value exchange options using a single
stochastic factor
Giovanni Villani.................................................. 305

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