Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance

(Nora) #1

216 S. Muzzioli

index options market, Christensen and Prabhala [5] examine the relation between IV
and realised volatility using S&P100 options, over the time period 1983–1995. They
find that IV is a good predictor of future realised volatility. Christensen et al. [4] use
options on the S&P100 and non-overlapping samples and find evidence for the effi-
ciency of IV as a predictor of future realised volatility. In the futures options market
Ederington and Guan [8] analyse the S&P500 futures options market and find that
IV is an efficient forecast of future realised volatility. Szakmary et al. [19] consider
options on 35 different futures contracts on a variety of asset classes. They find that
IV, while not a completely unbiased estimate of future realised volatility, has more
informative power than past realised volatility. In the stock options market, Godbey
and Mahar [10] analyse the information content of call and put IV extracted from
options on 460 stocks that compose the S&P500 index. They find that IV contains
some information on future realised volatility that is superior both to past realised
volatility and to a GARCH(1,1) estimate.
Option IV differs depending on strike price of the option (the so called smile
effect), time to maturity of the option (term structure of volatility) and option type
(call versus put). As a consequence, in the literature there is an open debate about
which option class is most representative of market volatility expectations. As for the
moneyness dimension, most of the studiesuse at the money options (or close to the
money options) since they are the most heavily traded and thus the most liquid. As
for the time to maturity dimension, the majority of the studies use options with time
to maturity of one month in order to make it equal to the sampling frequency and the
estimation horizon of realised volatility. As for the option type, call options are more
used than put options. As far as we know, there is little evidence about the different
information content of call or put prices. Even if, theoretically, call and put are linked
through the put-call parity relation, empirically, given that option prices are observed
with measurement errors (stemming from finite quote precision, bid-ask spreads, non-
synchronous observations and other measurement errors), small errors in any of the
input may produce large errors in the output (see e.g., [12]) and thus call IV and put IV
may be different. Moreover, given that put options are frequently bought for portfolio
insurance, there is a substantial demand for puts that is not available for the same
call options. Also, in [15] we have proved that the use of both call and put options
improves the pricing performance of option implied trees, suggesting that call and
put may provide different information. Fleming [9] investigates the implied-realised
volatility relation in the S&P100 options market and finds that call IV has slightly
more predictive power than put IV. In the same market, Christensen and Hansen [3]
find that both call and put IV are informative of future realized volatility, even if call
IV performs slightly better than put IV. Both studies use American options and need
the estimation of the dividend yield. These two aspects influence call and put options
in a different manner and may alter the comparison if not properly addressed.
The aim of the paper is to explore the relation between call IV, put IV, historical
volatility and realised volatility in the DAX index option market. The market is chosen
for two main reasons: (i) the options are European, therefore the estimation of the
early exercise premium is not needed and cannot influence the results; (ii) the DAX
index is a capital weighted performance index composed of 30 major German stocks

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