Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1






Figure 7.9 The vector product. The vectorsa,banda×bform a right-handed

modate this extension the commutation property (7.19) must be modified to


a·b=(b·a)∗. (7.22)

In particular it should be noted that (λa)·b=λ∗a·b,whereasa·(λb)=λa·b.

However, the magnitude of a complex vector is still given by|a|=


a·ais always real.

7.6.2 Vector product

The vector product (or cross product) of two vectorsaandbis denoted bya×b

and is defined to be a vector of magnitude|a||b|sinθin a direction perpendicular

to bothaandb;


The direction is found by ‘rotating’aintobthrough the smallest possible angle.

The sense of rotation is that of a right-handed screw that moves forward in the

directiona×b(see figure 7.9). Again,θis the angle between the two vectors

placed ‘tail to tail’ or ‘head to head’. With this definitiona,banda×bform a

right-handed set. A more directly usable description of the relative directions in

a vector product is provided by a right hand whose first two fingers and thumb

are held to be as nearly mutually perpendicular as possible. If the first finger is

pointed in the direction of the first vector and the second finger in the direction

of the second vector, then the thumb gives the direction of the vector product.

The vector product is distributive over addition, butanticommutativeandnon-


(a+b)×c=(a×c)+(b×c), (7.23)

b×a=−(a×b), (7.24)

(a×b)×c=a×(b×c). (7.25)
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