Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


randr′must be exchanged in (18.22) or the series would not converge. This

result may be used, for example, to write down the electrostatic potential at a

pointrdue to a chargeqat the pointr′. Thus, in the caser′<r, this is given by


4 π 0 r





We note that in the special case where the charge is at the origin, andr′=0,

only the= 0 term in the series is non-zero and the expression reduces correctly

to the familiar formV(r)=q/(4π 0 r).

Recurrence relations

In our discussion of the generating function above, we derived several useful

recurrence relations satisfied by the Legendre polynomialsPn(x). In particular,

from (18.18), we have the four-term recurrence relation

Pn′+1+Pn′− 1 =Pn+2xPn′.

Also, from (18.19)–(18.21), we have the three-term recurrence relations

Pn′+1=(n+1)Pn+xPn′, (18.23)

Pn′− 1 =−nPn+xPn′, (18.24)

(1−x^2 )Pn′=n(Pn− 1 −xPn), (18.25)

(2n+1)Pn=Pn′+1−Pn′− 1 , (18.26)

where the final relation is obtained immediately by subtracting the second from

the first. Many other useful recurrence relations can be derived from those given

above and from the generating function.

Prove the recurrence relation
(n+1)Pn+1=(2n+1)xPn−nPn− 1. (18.27)

Substituting from (18.15) into (18.17), we find


Pnhn=(1− 2 xh+h^2 )


Equating coefficients ofhnwe obtain

xPn−Pn− 1 =(n+1)Pn+1− 2 xnPn+(n−1)Pn− 1 ,

which on rearrangement gives the stated result.

The recurrence relation derived in the above example is particularly useful in

evaluatingPn(x) for a given value ofx. One starts withP 0 (x)=1andP 1 (x)=x

and iterates the recurrence relation untilPn(x) is obtained.

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