Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


U 0

U 1

U 2

U 3

− (^1) − 0. 5 0. 5 1

− 2


− 4


Figure 18.4 The first four Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.

special values:

Tn(1) = 1,Tn(−1) = (−1)n,T 2 n(0) = (−1)n,T 2 n+1(0) = 0.

The first few Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind are also easily found

and read

U 0 (x)=1, U 1 (x)=2x,

U 2 (x)=4x^2 −1, U 3 (x)=8x^3 − 4 x,

U 4 (x)=16x^4 − 12 x^2 +1, U 5 (x)=32x^5 − 32 x^3 +6x.

The functionsU 0 (x),U 1 (x),U 2 (x)andU 3 (x) are plotted in figure 18.4. The

Chebyshev polynomialsUn(x) also satisfyUn(−x)=(−1)nUn(x), which may be

deduced from (18.57) and (18.58), and have the special values:

Un(1) =n+1,Un(−1) = (−1)n(n+1),U 2 n(0) = (−1)n,U 2 n+1(0) = 0.

Show that the Chebyshev polynomialsUn(x)satisfy the differential equation
(1−x^2 )U′′n(x)− 3 xUn′(x)+n(n+2)Un(x)=0. (18.59)

From (18.58), we haveVn+1=(1−x^2 )^1 /^2 Unand these functions satisfy the Chebyshev
equation (18.54) withν=n+1, namely

(1−x^2 )Vn′′+1−xVn′+1+(n+1)^2 Vn+1=0. (18.60)
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