Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


Y 0

Y (^1) Y



− 1

− 0. 5

0. 5


Figure 18.6 The first three integer-order Bessel functions of the second kind.

18.5.3 Properties of Bessel functionsJν(x)

In physical applications, we often require that the solution is regular atx=0,

but, from its definition (18.81) or (18.82), it is clear thatYν(x) is singular at

the origin, and so in such physical situations the coefficientc 2 in (18.83) must

be set to zero; the solution is then simply some multiple ofJν(x). These Bessel

functions of the first kind have various useful properties that are worthy of

further discussion. Unless otherwise stated, the results presented in this section

apply to Bessel functionsJν(x) of integer and non-integer order.

Mutual orthogonality

In section 17.4, we noted that Bessel’s equation (18.73) could be put into con-

ventional Sturm–Liouville form withp=x,q=−ν^2 /x,λ=α^2 andρ=x,

providedαxis the argument ofy. From the form ofp, we see that there is no

natural interval over which one would expect the solutions of Bessel’s equation

corresponding to different eigenvaluesλ(but fixedν) to be automatically orthog-

onal. Nevertheless, provided the Bessel functions satisfied appropriate boundary

conditions, we would expect them to obey an orthogonality relationship over

some interval [a, b]oftheform



xJν(αx)Jν(βx)dx=0 forα=β. (18.84)
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